Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Oh, This Is The Start Of Something Good... Don't You Agree?"

Dear family and friends!

Hello from DALLAS!  (well, actually... I am currently visiting my family in Phoenix, AZ for Christmas) - but will be back home to Dallas next week!  As many of you know, I have been working in the culinary arts profession since graduating from Le Cordon Bleu Paris in 2008.  I am currently working as an auditor for an Accounting firm in Dallas (so grateful for my wonderful firm!), as well as studying for my CPA exam.  Hard work, but very much worth it!  So why the blog/youtube videos/email change?
I have a true passion for teaching... teaching healthy cooking at that!  I have had a plethora of dear friends who have recently been encouraging me to post "cooking demos" on youtube in order to learn how to cook, as well as save money.  Let's face it... cooking can be intimidating.  Before I studied in Paris, my cooking repertoire consisted of my meal-plan "swipe card" at Miami University (at the university cafeterias), sandwiches, soups (can-opener required) and salads.  Growing up, I was so thankful to have a mother who cooked.  Our diet consisted primarily of organic vegetables, lean meats and a plethora of beans, rice, nuts, seeds and soups.  My family would even sing a theme song of our dietary staples to the tune of Fiddler on the Roof... "traaaditionnnnn, tradition, veggie soup... tradition!"
I know.  Bizarre.
Meh, it is what it is.  Regardless, I can attribute my healthy-eating style to my mom... and very grateful that she spent time preparing wonderful meals for me, my brothers and my father.  That being said, I never set foot in the kitchen (too busy swimming and studying!)  During university, I spent time studying at Regent's College (London, England), as well as at St. John's University (Oxford, England).  Whilst in Oxford, I spent three days in Paris... and immediately fell in love with the dazzling City of Lights.  In my heart, I knew that I had to return one day.  I had no idea in what manner I would return, but I knew that I was called to return.
Easter 2006.  I was sitting with my parents and brothers, enjoying a lovely meal... but felt very discouraged.  Before setting down with a career, I was anxious to spend more time in Europe… but how?  My dad suggested that I learn how to cook... and if I was to learn, then I might as well learn in the finest city for the culinary arts... Paris, France.  As an athlete, I obnoxiously responded, "Dad... do I look like Martha Stewart?" and quickly dismissed the brilliant idea.  However, I began to dwell on said recommendation... and eventually came to the conclusion of… “well, it would be an ‘excuse’ to be in Paris… perhaps if I moved to attend culinary school, then I would find my ‘true calling’ once living in the gorgeous city.”
From day one, I fell in love with the culinary arts.
The art of gastronomy encompasses everything that I love… adrenaline rush during a busy service, creativity in determining the menu, and pure art with the food itself.  Presentation is essential, as one consumes their meal with their eyes first.  Ok, one bummer… the scars on the arms due to scorching-hot ovens, caramel and oil burns and knife cuts.
Thankfully, I still have all ten digits on my larger-than-life hands.  At least now I am able to maintain a manicure (thank you, Accounting!)
It builds character, what can I say.
My passion is in teaching healthy cooking.  I created this new blog and youtube account in order to post videos on healthy techniques and dishes, as well as blogging about restaurants, recipes and ways to save money in the kitchen. 
My youtube channel:  SarahEBaumert

I already filmed two installments… Quinoa with currents and roasted slivered almonds, and Ahi-Tuna sliders.  Trust me, these are two of my favorite dishes… they do a body good.  Real good.  I shall inform y’all when they are posted (wow, the inner-adopted Texan in me is coming out!)
Thank you for taking the time to encourage me.  I appreciate your feedback and welcome requests!
All my love from Phoenix,