Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fresh, Healthy Crab Cakes

The culinary world is very much a man-dominated profession.

Especially in Paris.

All chefs possess one common trait: we work hard.

Understatement of the century.

The world of cuisine and pastry is not one of luxury. Kitchens are hot. Burns are normal. Long hours. Holidays and weekends are spent working.

All chefs possess actually possess two common traits: we work hard.

And we are motivated by the love of our craft.

Be it teaching or serving, when I see someone smiling as a result of my talent, I become overjoyed. Ergo, it motivates me to work harder, learn more and refine my skills… in turn, to help others. (Oh the vicious cycle of serving!)

My first restaurant experiences were in two 3 Michelin-starred restaurant. In Paris. Hotel Le Meurice and Hotel de Crillon.

Talk about baptism by fire. In my cook book that I am writing, I recount the story of how I was able to earn the respect of my fellow chefs at Le Meurice… a funny story involving crab. In the meantime, I will share a healthy crab-cake recipe.

One of my favorite foods to enjoy is crab. The mildly sweet crustacean may be enjoyed in a plethora of styles… though crab cakes is one of the most common dishes.

A problem exists when the delicate meat is disguised by mayo or fried batter. Why not enjoy the crab in a manner of actually being able to taste the meat?

Healthy, yet flavorful crab cake:
1 c. fresh lump crab meat
Juice of ½ lemon
¼ c. 0% Greek Yogurt
2 tsp Cajun Seasoning
2 tsp oregano
2 tsp dried Italian seasoning
2 tsp smoked sea salt
1 tsp cilantro
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tsp butter

In a sauté pan, melt the butter on a medium heat. Add all herbs/spices and allow to cook for several minutes (intention is to integrate the herbs into the crab meat).

Remove from the heat and add lemon juice and yogurt.

Since there is not a plethora of colors, add some micro-greens and edible flowers to aid in the presentation… taking the mound of crab from simple, to elegant.

When I was preparing my crab, I noticed a few tomatoes on my counter that were on their “last legs.” I simply chopped the tomatoes into slices, then tossed with EVOO and the same herbs that I used to season the crab. Roasted at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes (until tender and falling apart). I then mashed the tomatoes together with a fork and served atop the crab cake… not only providing color, but a necessary sweetness/acid, per the tomatoes.

Not only will your taste buds actually get to experience crab meat in its tender, juicy form… but your body will love the fact that the meal is actually good for you.

"I have the simplest taste. I am always satisfied with the best"- Oscar Wilde

Love y’all! ♥

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