Saturday, February 16, 2013

Savory Fruits

When creating menus and experimenting in the kitchen, I enjoy pairing sweet/savory combinations. Often times, flavors that one would not expect to pair well together – work brilliantly. But here is the key… you never know unless you try! Am I encouraging you to create a new dish when serving company for a dinner party? Absolutely not; you already have enough stress when entertaining; why create more? However, when cooking for fun… be free! Depending on your experience, you may follow a recipe verbatim… or perhaps use a recipe as more of an outline… following several of the key components, but also putting your own “creative” spin on the recipe. Cooking, unlike baking, is not only more forgiving, but also more welcoming to modifications and substitutions. Why? When an individual is baking a cake, a certain amount of baking soda/powder is necessary in order for the entire cake to rise and bake properly. If an essential ingredient is not included, then the cake may not rise properly. On the other hand, when adding spices/herbs to a dish/seasoning a sauce/sautéing a protein, etc., one may add or subtract ingredients. For example, if rosemary does not “tickle your fancy,” then simply omit the “woodsy” herb. Replace with another herbs if desired.

Fruits are usually associated with breakfast, snacks or desserts; however, when used appropriately, they can add a sweet element to an otherwise savory meal. For example, rosemary blackberry red wine reduction with filet mignon. Apple and mango chutney with chicken. Grilled pineapple with pork. A plethora of fruits can help brighten a heavy, savory combination of flavors. Pictured, I roasted sweet potatoes with EVOO, sea salt, herbs de Provence and a kick of cayenne. On a separate baking sheet, I roasted baby cherry tomatoes and zucchini with the same seasonings. As I was pan sautéing the asparagus, I had a few blueberries in my refrigerator that I did not want to discard… ergo, into the pan with the asparagus. A quick sear and finish in the oven with halibut was the “glue” that held the entire dish together. The blueberries added a perfect sweetness to the thick filet of whitefish. They also paired well with the sweet potato. An unusual pairing of flavors when mentioned, but worked brilliantly when executed.

It’s Friday… be inspired to cook this weekend! You will never know unless you try!

Love y’all!

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