Friday, May 3, 2013

Fresh Figs



Shadows dancing amongst the Parisian streets.

The gentle sounds of market owners setting up their booth/display areas reverberated across the streets and bounced up the intricately-designed French flats…

When I lived in Paris, I used to purchase my groceries at the fresh markets which were set up in the early morning hours. I lived on rue de la Convention in the 15eme… ergo, the market set up every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Living by myself, I could purchase enough fresh food on a semi-daily basis... glorious, indeed.

The figs and mangos in Paris were absolutely out-of-this-world… bursting forth with sweet flavors and nectarous flavors. Candy was not necessary in the dazzling City of Lights- simply because the fresh fruits were more than enough to satisfy one’s desire for sugar. While working at Hotel de Crillon, I would often deconstruct fruit from its original form… molding and shaping it into edible artwork.

In terms of presentation: sophisticated, modern, perfectly executed.

Try pairing fresh figs with mangos. A white plate for presentation will allow the fruit to “pop.” Sprinkle crushed roasted pistachios for a more delicate touch… and finish with a few pea shoots to add a dash of color and warmth.

Rather than clogging your arteries with heavy desserts on a consistent basis, try enjoying fruit in place of candy, cookies and cakes. I can promise you that not only will your body love the healthy substitute, but you will feel better: less lethargic, able to focus, more energy, sleep more soundly… you truly are what you eat.

“I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best” – Oscar Wilde

Care for your body with fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, legumes, whole grains, healthy omega 3’s and refined oils.

You will not be disappointed.

Love y’all! ♥

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