Friday, May 3, 2013


Being that it was just St. Patrick’s Day (and I do have Irish blood within my heritage)… a quick post in regards to the “plain” potato.

One immediate turn-off to nutritious-eating is preparing “health food” that lives up to its name/stereotype… boring/unseasoned/plain…

But being healthy is anything but.

The problem?

We as humans often resist change. We gravitate towards consistency and embrace the familiar.

Sure… things can be “good…” by why settle for good health when it can be great?

I admit, I do not eat a plethoa of potatoes in my diet… but occasionally my body craves the starchy-white, tuberous crop. Rather than clogging my arteries with French fries, I will toss baby potatoes (sometimes a mix of red, baby gold, purple Peruvian) with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, smoked sea salt, pinch of cayenne pepper (this helps to boost your metabolism), lemon juice, herbs de Provence and fresh Rosemary or cilantro (depending on what flavor I desire to create). Simply roast in a 400 degree oven until tender to cut with a knife (the smaller the size of potato, the faster they will cook).

If one desires to create more of a “French fry” effect… simply add a touch of ketchup.

To brighten the potato further, I mixed together 0% Greek yogurt, lemon juice, goat cheese and fresh rosemary. In terms of serving, I simply dolloped each potato with a touch of the cheese/yogurt, then topped with fresh sprigs of rosemary.

Learning to train your palate to appreciate “fine-dining food” can be challenging at first… however, you refine your taste buds through experience.

Wine, for example. If one has never tasted an aged, fine-wine, the taste can be unpleasant upon first encounter. Why? Because if all that you have ever experienced is a
“common wine,” then it can be easy to turn up ones nose to a refined, bold luxury.

Produced can be treated in the same manner. If one has consumed fast food for a lifetime, then enjoying fruits and vegetables may be challenging upon first taste. However, as the body consumes more fresh produce, it will actually begin to crave the vitamins, minerals and fresh foods. It generally takes the body at least two weeks to develop a new habit. Each individual must simply ask him or herself… is a change in diet worth a lifetime of better health?

I would venture to say yes.

“Thou shouldst eat to live, not live to eat.” -Cicero, Rhetoricorum LV

Love y’all! ♥

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