Friday, May 3, 2013

Quinoa with veggies, roasted nuts, dried fruits, chicken and Thai sauce

Whilst my mother may not be a classically-trained French chef, she is one darn good home-cook.


I am always incredibly encouraged whenever family and friends send me photos/messages of their “good eats.” I am overjoyed knowing that not only are they having fun in the kitchen, but learning how to cook healthy and improve their health.

Mom sent me a photo from lunch today… quinoa with crunchy vegetables, roasted nuts, dried fruits, chicken and spicy Thai sauce… a fresh spinach salad with flaxseed, raspberries and basalmic vinaigrette and peach green tea with Perrier.

When cooking quinoa, I advise one recommendation… use either chicken/vegetable or beef stock, as well as dried herbs in order to cook the pseudo-grain (as opposed to only water).

For example, place 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups of chicken stock in a sauce pan… toss in 1 Tbsp dried Herbs de Provence, juice of ½ lemon, a pinch of cayenne pepper and a few teaspoons of smoked sea salt. Bring the liquid to a boil, then cover and decrease to a simmer. Allow the quinoa to fully absorb the stock (it will “sprout” when fully cooked – about 15 minutes). After cooked, taste and adjust seasoning… also add cherry tomatoes, fresh cilantro, avocado, onions and scallions for an added zest. A drizzle of reduced balsamic will definitely do the dish justice.

Not only healthy, but stunning colors (another benefit of healthy eating).

Nicely done, mom – you’ve done me proud!

Love y’all dearly! ♥

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