Wednesday, June 26, 2013



"I'm so thirsty!!"


Unfortunately, thirst is not always a reliable gauge of the body's innate need for water. Often times, if you find yourself craving some thirst-quenching substance... you are already dehydrated. Now granted, there are many levels of dehydration. Mild or moderate dehydration can usually be treated by drinking fluids (water, Sports drinks), as well as taking a refreshing shower. The cool water will aid in dropping your core body temperature, but the fluid will help with rehydration. One indication whether you are dehydrated? If your urine is clear or light in color, then you are good to go! If it is dark yellow or cloudy... be sure to take in more fluid... even if not craving water.

With severe signs - think extreme thirst, lack of urination, dizziness, confusion, shriveled skin, fainting... seek medical assistance immediately! Nothing to mess around with... by any means!

I was walking/running the Katy trail earlier - very hot and humid in Dallas - and thankful that I carried water with me during my hike. I know water bottles may be a pain to keep track of when working out, but trust me - your health comes first! Enjoy the sunshine and stay hydrated!

Love y'all dearly!

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