Friday, June 14, 2013



One of the most beautiful aspects of fruit are the vibrant colors. Not only does the natural sweetness capture your tastebuds when biting into a ripe berry, but the presentation can be as visually appealing, as tasting. 

When serving fruit as either a dessert, or simply a healthy snack, I will gravitate towards focusing on the presentation... almost treating fruit as a "sculpture" or piece of modern art. So much of modern art is centralized on the placement of items.

Let's face it... to many of us, fruit can become slightly boring if one has not developed a palate to enjoy the natural sweetness (as opposed to overly-sugared baked goods, etc.) I can promise you that you will enjoy consuming the treat if it is plated in a whimsical, creative manner. Cut berries in different manners, "fan out" layers of mangos, stack bananas as you would dominos, use a melon baller to create small balls of cantaloupe, dice pineapples, stack figs... the possibilities are endless. A small edible flower can aid in that "final touch" in tying the plate together.

"Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify." - Henry David Thoreau

Love y'all dearly!

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