Sunday, September 8, 2013

Nazca Kitchen

Brilliant lunch today at Nazca Kitchen in Dallas, TX with owner, Craig Collins. ( 

Nazca Kitchen is a mouth-watering take on South American food - with a healthy twist and play on presentation. From the clean, modern lines of the restaurant itself, to the friendly and educated service, I was thoroughly impressed. 

As a chef, individuals always ask me if I am able to enjoy dining experiences... or if I am too consumed in trying to critique food. To me, company is always the number one factor. I always remember whom I am sharing a meal with, as well as brilliant conversation. The food is literally just the "icing on the cake." And when fresh, perfectly executed and aesthetically beautiful, it is easy to create a reliable and consistent brand.

My favorite dish that I was able to sample today was the halibut ceviche (fresh halibut caught in Alaska by owner Craig Collins). All too often, chefs make the mistake of "over-doing" presentations. The ceviche was perfectly seasoned, vibrant in color and definitely left me wanting more. The mozzarella, gluten-free cheese balls literally melted in my mouth. Sautéed salmon and halibut had a beautiful spicy sauce to accompany the flavorful filets. Friend quinoa and cheesy quinoa enhanced the entire meal and added a wonderful accompanying play on texture. The acia-puree with maraculla drizzle, bananas, strawberries and granola was the perfect dessert to polish off said meal.

This evening I enjoyed roasting the NAZCA Kitchen coffee beans - brilliant blend of South American beans. Smooth, perfect blend.

Definitely a loyal customer... due in part to the ancient tradition of freshly-picked ingredients, rich flavors, authentic dishes, gracious staff and overall ambiance.

Highly encourage y'all to visit and enjoy!

Love yall dearly!

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