Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Salsa is an incredibly versatile "condiment," in that it can be used in a multitude of dishes: 

1) Scooped in the traditional manner with tortilla chips, beer and a side of football, jerseys and grown, screaming men

2) Atop scrambled eggs and toast as a cure from the prior night football games and pandemonium associated with said games

3) A healthy alternative to calorie-laden salad dressings to add a spicy zip to your leafy greens

4) Dressed up to present a gourmet first course lobster/crab-poached delicacy

Designers take pieces of material and transfer the mundane into garments to enhance the natural beauty of individuals. Chefs have the same pleasure, but our medium is with food.

A fresh, homemade and healthy salsa that anyone can easily execute (so much better than from a can!)

5 medium Roma tomatoes - chop fine
1/2 medium red onion - fine dice
2 Garlic cloves - mince
1 medium red bell pepper - fine dice
2 jalapenos - seeded and minced
Juice of 1/2 lime
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Tbsp EVOO
1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro (best part!)
Chili/Cayenne pepper - pinch
Salt and pepper - to taste

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, then refrigerate for at least 12 hours (in order to reach full flavor development and potency). Be creative when pairing the salsa with a plethora of possibilities!

As many of you know, I am a huge advocate of juicing... not only for the numerous health benefits of the fresh fruits and vegetables, but the ability to create non-conventional sauces as well. Mustard greens, for example (excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and manganese... highest level support for four conventional antioxidant nutrients... bonus). When consuming mustard greens, they have a natural flavor of... well, mustard.


I decided to juice the little green leaves and ended up with a brilliant forest green, mustardy-infused, juice. After reducing on the stove and adding a touch of horseradish, few teaspoons of heavy cream, sprinkle of lemon juice and salt/pepper, I was able to create a nice reduction of flavors.

The stars of the plate? Medium-boiled egg (9 minutes boiled), few slices of avocado, fresh crab claw and arugula/micro-green garnish.

Incredibly rich in taste, the complication of flavors compliment their counterparts. Rundown: the creamy omega-3 fats from the avocado balance any bitter remnants from the mustard-green reduction. The sweet crab claw balances the spice from the salsa. The boiled egg? Well, it just looks cute and adds a nice vibrant pop of yellow.

I mean, it is what it is.

All kidding aside, the egg also pairs brilliantly with the salsa, sauce and crab. The final touch of arugula/micro-greens provides a subtle, nutty-crunch of greens.

I bet you never thought salsa could clean up so well, eh?

See? Eating healthy can be delicious. And look stunning too.

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied." - Herophilus


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